Is your employer launching a tender offer or going public and you want to optimize your equity?
Do you want to retire early, take a sabbatical, or shift to more personally meaningful but lower paying job?
Are you going through life transitions like starting a new job, buying a new home, getting married, or raising a family?
Are you holding ISOs, NSOs, RSUs but you aren't sure what you should do?
Do you have a lot of ISOs but are worried about incurring or managing AMT?
Have you gotten hit with an unexpected tax bill and don't want to get burned on taxes again?
Have you done well with your investing but don't feel you have a solid plan?
Are you considering making moves like Roth conversions but not sure if you should and how much?
Have you heard about Backdoor and Mega Backdoor Roths but you aren't sure if they're for you or how you would do them?
Are you getting close to a Financial Independence number but aren't sure if you're ready to make the move?
Check out the IPO Guide on our Blog…
Anticipating an IPO, Direct Listing, or an Acquisition? Start here! 👇